7 signs to identify fake Celine bags


A fake Celine bag has some very clear signs. That it’s not real. Once you know what to look for in a fake Celine bag.

You will never be fooled again. You’ll want to look for a combination of things to determine. See if a Celine bag is fake or not.

The main feature you want to look for in a fake Celine bag is flaws in the details. This is where a fake Celine bag shows that it cannot match the quality of a genuine Celine bag.

When you decide to invest in a Celine bag. No one wants to be scammed. So, equipping yourself with a few tips will be very useful for your smart purchases.

Some tips from tuixachhanghieu below will help you consider your purchase. That I bought the right real product, and will never regret my decision.

1. The stitching is uneven and breaks easily in the fake Celine bag

An important detail that is often overlooked when talking about fake Celine bags is the stitching. It’s true, the stitching may just be a small detail, but it is an important factor that helps us distinguish between real and fake products.

For those who understand fashion and product quality, stitching is a criterion that cannot be ignored when determining the authenticity of a Celine bag.


Fake Celine bags will often have recognizable characteristics such as uneven stitching, especially in important positions such as handles, zippers or outside compartments.

Besides, the quality of the stitching on fake bags is often poor, easily broken or peeled after a short period of use. This not only detracts from the beauty of the bag but also affects its durability and overall aesthetics.

Unlike fake bags, each genuine Celine bag goes through a strict production process and takes care of every detail. The stitching on genuine bags is always steady, firm and shows no signs of sloppiness.

Furthermore, the use of high quality sewing thread helps increase durability and prolong the life of the product.

2. Metal zippers are not precious metals

For luxury bags like Celine, every detail is meticulously cared for, and zippers are no exception. When you hold a fake Celine bag in your hand, you will easily tell the difference in the quality of the zipper.

Most fake bags use cheap metal, which is not only susceptible to corrosion, but also easily peels or fades after a short period of use.

Meanwhile, genuine Celine bags always use precious metals for zippers, showing class and meticulousness in every detail. Precious metals not only help increase the luxury of the bag but also ensure durability and not corrode under the influence of the environment.

Furthermore, when you open the zipper, you will feel the smoothness and solidity – something that a fake bag cannot reproduce.

In particular, an interesting detail that few people pay attention to is the number engraved on the zipper tip. While fake Celine bags often have inconsistency in quantity, each genuine Celine bag always ensures uniformity.

Each bag will have the same number engraved on all zipper stitches, ensuring consistency and quality inside and out.

3. Zipper lengths vary

Zipper length is always one of the clear distinguishing criteria between genuine Celine bags and fake Celine bags. This seems simple, but it is an important detail that shows the meticulousness and high quality of the brand.

Genuine Celine bags always have zippers of extremely precise and uniform length. They are all designed so that the zipper only reaches the edge of the bag opening, creating sophistication and smoothness when used.


This not only enhances the aesthetics of the bag, but also prevents the zipper from getting stuck or damaging the items inside the bag.

In contrast, fake Celine bags often have uneven zipper lengths. In particular, the zipper often extends several inches past the end of the bag, losing its sophistication and easily causing inconvenience when used.

This not only detracts from the natural beauty of the bag but also reveals the carelessness in the production process of the fake bag.

4. Hardware is not seamless

The hardware on Celine bags not only represents luxury and sophistication but also reflects the class and quality of the brand. When you hold a genuine Celine bag in your hand, you can clearly feel the solidity and perfection of every detail.

On a genuine Celine bag, from the strap clip to other accessory details, all are designed seamlessly, without any seams or joints.


The attention to detail in the craftsmanship of authentic Celine bags is evident in the meticulous placement and alignment of hardware.
Each component, from zippers to clasps and other metal embellishments, is flawlessly integrated into the design, accentuating the bag’s innate elegance. This precision not only amplifies the bag’s natural allure but also serves as a testament to the brand’s commitment to superior quality.
Conversely, counterfeit or fake Celine bags often exhibit telltale signs of inferior manufacturing.
Loose or misaligned hardware is a common discrepancy found in these replicas. Such discrepancies not only detract from the bag’s aesthetic appeal but also expose the lack of attention to detail in the manufacturing process.
The consequences of loose hardware extend beyond cosmetic flaws. Inauthentic hardware could compromise the bag’s structural integrity, leading to potential damage or even the loss of items stored within the bag.
This discrepancy serves as a stark indicator of the quality disparity between genuine Celine bags and their counterfeit counterparts, emphasizing the importance of meticulous craftsmanship in preserving both the aesthetic and functional aspects of a bag.

5. The distance between the skin tags is wider

For those who love fashion and are always interested in delicate details, the distance between the leather tabs on Celine bags is a criterion that cannot be ignored when identifying real and fake products.

The leather tab is an important part that helps increase the durability of the bag, while creating elegance and uniqueness for the design. Genuine Celine bags always have leather tabs sewn precisely and evenly, with regular spacing between them.

This not only helps increase the durability of the handle but also reflects the meticulousness and high quality that the Celine brand puts into its products.

However, on fake Celine bags, you can easily see that the distance between the leather tabs is often wider, uneven and lacks precision.

This not only reduces the elegance and aesthetics of the bag, but is also a clear sign that the product does not meet high quality standards.

Besides, the wider distance between the leather tabs can also affect the durability of the bag. With wider leather tabs, the handle’s bearing capacity will decrease, easily leading to the bag being damaged after a period of use.

6. Logo Using Wrong Font

Logo is always an important element for any fashion brand, and for Celine, this is no exception. When presenting an authentic Celine bag, the logo not only represents luxury but is also a symbol of quality and class.

One of the common mistakes on fake Celine bags is the use of incorrect fonts. The most recognizable point is probably the letter “N” in the logo.


In the genuine Celine logo, the letter “N” has a special design with pointed ends along the diagonal, creating a distinct and easily identifiable mark. Meanwhile, fake bags often use the letter “N” with square ends, lacking sophistication.

In addition, the difference between embossed logo and printed logo is also a factor that helps consumers distinguish between real bags and fake bags. Genuine Celine bags often have meticulously embossed logos, creating a unique and premium feeling when touched.

Meanwhile, fake Celine bags often only have the logo printed on the face, lacking prominence. And the most recognizable point is probably the fact that the foil logo on the fake bag easily cracks and peels, showing poor quality in the production process.

7. Fake bag size is larger

The size of a genuine Celine bag is always designed accurately, uniformly and in accordance with the high-end standards set by the brand.

The difference in size between real and fake Celine bags may not be too big in terms of measurements, but it brings a big difference in usage experience and aesthetics.

In fact, a fake Celine bag is usually slightly larger in size than the genuine version.

To those who aren’t paying attention, this difference may not be so obvious, but for fashion lovers and brand savvy people, this easily makes a difference.

A bag that is 2 inches larger than the standard size may affect how you carry and use the bag. This can create an uneven feeling, losing the sophistication and class that Celine always strives for.

When comparing a fake Celine bag directly with a genuine Celine bag, you will easily recognize the differences in size and design. Furthermore, leather quality, accessory details and other factors also help you distinguish between real and fake products.

Above are 7 signs to help you easily identify real and fake Celine bags. Have you been able to differentiate yet? Please comment below to let me know! Thank you for reading this article. Wishing you a good day.

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