How to Tell Real and Fake Hermes Birkin and Kelly Bags: Tips and Advice

How can you distinguish between genuine leather and fake leather when inspecting Birkin and Kelly bags?

Distinguishing between genuine and fake leather when inspecting Hermes‘ Birkin and Kelly bags is an important task to ensure the quality and value of the product. Here are some key points to consider when conducting an inspection:

Examine the shape and structure: Hermes’ Birkin and Kelly bags are made from premium leather, so they typically have a very sturdy and upright structure. Check the edges, corners, and seams of the bag to see if they maintain a perfect shape.

Check the leather: Genuine leather is usually soft, smooth, and has the distinct smell of real leather. Touch the leather surface to feel its firmness and smoothness.

Inspect the logo and markings: Hermes always uses genuine markings and logos, such as “Hermes Paris Made in France” printed on the bag. Carefully examine the sharpness and design of the logo.


Inspect the hardware: The hardware on the bags, such as zippers, clasps, and buttons, are usually made from high-quality metals. Check them to ensure that they are not rusted or peeling.

Examine the details of patterns: If the bag has patterns or embossed prints, check if they are sharp and accurate. Ensure there are no errors in printing or cutting.

Consider the price: Birkin and Kelly bags from Hermes are high-value, and if a bag is sold at a very low price, it could be a sign of a counterfeit product.

Additionally, purchasing from reputable and certified sources, and seeking expert opinions or learning about how to distinguish genuine from fake leather by Hermes can help you avoid counterfeit goods and ensure that you are purchasing an authentic product.

What stitching features can help identify a genuine Birkin or Kelly bag?

To identify a genuine Hermes Birkin or Kelly bag, inspecting the stitching is one of the important factors. Here are the stitching features that help determine the quality and authenticity of the product:

Meticulous stitching: Hermes sets a high standard for stitch quality. The stitches on a genuine bag are usually very meticulous, uniform, and precise. There are no mistakes or inaccuracies in joining the leather pieces together.

Number of stitches: Hermes typically uses a fixed number of stitches at important points on the bag. This number is usually precise and uniform, and any irregularities in this number could be a sign of a counterfeit bag.


Handmade stitching: Some details on genuine Hermes bags are hand-stitched, especially decorative details like edges or the artistry of carved leather. Handmade stitches are often imperfect and have a personal touch, while fake bags might have very perfect and uniform machine stitches.

Attention to detail: Hermes always focuses on finishing and detail in their products. Carefully examine details like the artisan’s notes and parts of locks, buttons, and straps to ensure they are of quality and authenticity.

Checking the stitching along with other factors such as leather material, logo, and hardware is an important part of the process to ensure the authenticity of a Birkin or Kelly bag.

What are the special characteristics of the details and accessories that come with the bag (such as locks, key fobs, and logos) that help determine authenticity?

The details and accessories that come with a bag, such as locks, key fobs, and logos, play an important role in determining the authenticity of a Hermes Birkin or Kelly bag. Here are the special characteristics of these components:

Locks and key fobs:

Hermes uses locks and key fobs made of high-quality metals, usually gold or palladium.
The finish and careful detailing are special. Locks and key fobs on genuine Hermes bags are usually shiny and smooth, without cracks or scratches.
Locks often have markings like serial numbers and genuine product codes, which you can verify for accuracy through Hermes certification authorities or directly from Hermes stores.



The Hermes logo is frequently printed or embossed on the bag. It’s important to check the sharpness and accuracy of the logo.
Hermes uses a special font and precise design for their logo, so any mistake in font style or size is a sign of a fake bag.


The strap of a genuine Hermes bag is usually made of high-quality genuine leather and cut and joined meticulously and evenly.
The stitching on the strap should also be examined for meticulousness and correctness.
When considering these details and accessories, you should compare them with actual product images from Hermes’ official website or from reliable sources. Moreover, always purchase from reputable and certified sources to ensure the authenticity of the Hermes bag you are interested in.

How can you check and understand the identification code and serial number of a Hermes bag to determine if it is genuine or fake?

To check and understand the identification code and serial number of a Hermes bag to determine its authenticity, pay attention to the following points:

Location and font of the identification code and serial number: The identification code and serial number are usually located at a fixed position on the bag, often in one of the following places: inside the bag, inside a pocket, or on the strap. Hermes uses a special font and standard size for their codes and serial numbers, so check the font and font size carefully.


Check the sharpness and accuracy: Codes and serial numbers on a genuine Hermes bag are usually printed or embossed very sharply and accurately. There are no errors in printing or embossing, and they do not blur or wear out.

Matching accuracy: The serial number on the bag’s strap should match the serial number inside the bag. If there is a mismatch or inconsistency, it could be a sign of a fake bag.

Verify with official sources: To ensure accurate identification, you should check the identification code and serial number of the Hermes bag with certification authorities or official Hermes stores. They can verify this information and confirm the product’s authenticity.

Note that determining the authenticity of a Hermes bag is based on various factors, and checking the identification code and serial number is just part of the inspection process. Always purchasing from reputable and certified sources is the most important rule to ensure that you do not end up with a counterfeit product.

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